THere are a lot of ways biases are formed.

Eliminate Bias

Bias is a natural or learned feeling toward a person or idea.

Articles To Read

Click the article title to open in a new tab.

Psychology Today

Science News for Students, 2017

Books We Love

Click the image to open the Bookshop listing for each book.

Videos To Watch

How to select anti-bias books:

Check the Illustrations

Look for Stereotypes

Look for Tokenism

Look for What Is Not There

Check the Content

Check the Story Line and the Relationships Between People

Look at Messages About Different Lifestyles

Consider the Effects on Children’s Self and Social Identities

Look for Books About Children and Adults Engaging in Actions for Change

Consider the Author’s or Illustrator’s Background and Perspective

Watch for Loaded Words

Activities To Do

Repetition is a key learning aid because it helps transition a skill from the conscious to the subconscious. Through repetition, a skill is practiced and rehearsed over time and gradually becomes easier. (Source)  The concepts presented in our book, and in this library, are VERY BIG topics for little kids, so repetition is going to be key for promoting understanding and learning.  Below is a collection of activities to help you to continue the learning in a new way!

Click the icons to download each activity.


For the answer key, click here.

Coloring Page