never start with blame

Victim Blaming

Victim Blaming is when we assume a person is at fault for the bad things that happened to them.

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How to Stop the Victim Blaming:

If a person is a victim, it is not their fault. Period.

Nobody can cause a crime or bullying to happen to them.

Never try to find a way they could have avoided the harm caused to them.

Ask what you can do to help.

Do not judge them for what happened to them. Again, they did not cause it.

Listen to their story and let them know you are here to help!

Activities To Do

Repetition is a key learning aid because it helps transition a skill from the conscious to the subconscious. Through repetition, a skill is practiced and rehearsed over time and gradually becomes easier. (Source)  The concepts presented in our book, and in this library, are VERY BIG topics for little kids, so repetition is going to be key for promoting understanding and learning.  Below is a collection of activities to help you to continue the learning in a new way!

Click the icons to download each activity.


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