Speak Up

Zero Tolerance

It is important to always speak up for yourself and others!  It might be uncomfortable and you may feel silly, but if it is important, you must say so!

Books We Love

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Discussion Topics:

What does it meant to speak up
for someone?

When should you stick up for someone?

How can you stick up for people?

What should you do if you don't feel safe speaking up?

Who are some people you can talk to if you need help speaking up for someone?

What does 'silence is acceptance' mean?

Do not expect to be taught or shown. Take it upon yourself to use the tools around you to learn and answer your questions.

Activities To Do

Repetition is a key learning aid because it helps transition a skill from the conscious to the subconscious. Through repetition, a skill is practiced and rehearsed over time and gradually becomes easier. (Source)  The concepts presented in our book, and in this library, are VERY BIG topics for little kids, so repetition is going to be key for promoting understanding and learning.  Below is a collection of activities to help you to continue the learning in a new way!

Click the icons to download each activity.


For the answer key, click here.

Coloring Page

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